Pippin @World & Atmark Wiki

Amish is an edutainment CD-ROM that had been announced for the Pippin Atmark.[1]

Release status[]

A Pippin version from Columbia Creative (コロムビア クリエイティヴ) had been announced in print marketing for 1996.[1] No other information was provided online from Bandai about the title,[2] which is presumed to have been cancelled.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Pippin Atmark: Soft Ware Line Up! / Pippin Price Lists (Japanese), Bandai Digital Entertainment. 1996-02/1996-06. Accessed 2018-08-26.
  2. Pippin software (Japanese), Atmark Channel. Archived 1997-06-29.
  3. PIPPIN@MARK software release list (Japanese), Retrogeme. Accessed 2017-05-03.

See also[]

External links[]

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