Pippin @World & Atmark Wiki

A Bear Family Adventure: featuring Playtime in the Park is a CD-ROM-based children's edutainment title that had been demoed on the Pippin Atmark console.[1]

Release status[]


Let's Play Apple Pippin Playtime in the Park

A Bear Family Adventure was produced by Nova Development and released in the United States by Kidsoft for Macintosh and Windows 3.1 separately in 1995.[2][3]

A specimen of a pre-release Pippin version, dated December 7, 1996, turned up in an online auction with a Pippin Power Player prototype console.[1] However, it does not appear to have been publicly released.[4][5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 AppleのPippin ATMARK (ピピンアットマーク)ゲーム機 使えます by infinisys_emergency, Yahoo! JAPAN. 2018-09-03.
  2. A Bear family adventure : featuring Playtime in the park (Mac), Worldcat. Accessed 2018-09-06.
  3. A Bear family adventure : featuring Playtime in the park (Win), Worldcat. Accessed 2018-09-06.
  4. Pippin software (Japanese), Atmark Channel. Archived 1997-06-29.
  5. PIPPIN@MARK software release list (Japanese), Retrogeme. Accessed 2017-05-03.

External links[]

Pippin logo
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